
I love having a nosey into other people's lives, especially their Instagrams. I wanted to start a new monthly series (because let's be real who has time for a weekly one!) of my Instamonth and explaining the pictures a little. This month I have gone theme crazy on my Instagram & I'm loving it! I've tried so hard to get all the pictures to match and I'm so happy with the way it's looking!

#1 Firstly, this month I have been slender blending thanks to Protein World. These shakes are really becoming part of my routine and I look forward to my breakfast protein shake! I've actually just ordered my second tub so I'm looking forward to seeing more results.

#2 Reecey Roos made my February fab with this amazing nail art design. If you haven't seen it already check out my full blog post about my experience here. And just to confirm that they did an amazing job and this gel manicure lasted 3 weeks before out out-growth made it unbearable! I was so sad to remove these pieces of art from my thumbs though!

#3 Standard valentine's day couple post! We spontaneously drove to Brighton Valentine's morning. We had a lovely day on the pier & walking through the lanes before heading back to London that evening for a romantic dinner.

#4 Speaking of the lanes - how cool are they? I could wander round them all day. This snap is one of the many graffiti's spotted around Brighton. Very insta-worthy.

#5 Although my Karlito was ordered in January - I only received him in February! I'm in love with this guy! I ordered him over e-bay and it's such an amazing copy of the Fendi original. Let me know if you would like more information on my e-bay pom poms, as this is actually my second and the quality is second to none!

#6 The story behind this flower is a little too personal for this blog (sorry) but how amazing is this multi-coloured rose? I want my house full of these babies!

#7 February also introduced me to mini pink pineapples! The florists at work designed these arrangement and I fell in love with the concept of mini pink pineapples! If ever the heart eyes emoji was needed...

#8 This month was also my shopping month. Here I am in Selfridges on a chair made out of stuffed pandas, before my bank card was used and abused. Check out my hauls this month here and here.

#9 Finally, this picture sums up my month pretty well. I've been so drawn to flowers lately (seriously, my phone is just full of pictures of flowers!) I don't know if it's the new florist at work or I'm just becoming an old lady but I feel like I must have flower always and always (gettit)

So, there's my instamonth! Make sure to give my Instagram a follow if you've enjoyed my images: @ellapittx

Let me know if you've enjoyed this kind of series in the comments!

E. x

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  1. This is such a cool idea! I've recently decided to start a theme on my instagram too! I'm especially loving the Brighton pics as that is my home town! Can't wait to see next month's! x

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I love the way the theme looks, but I'm constantly looking for photo opportunities now!

      Ella x

